Tuesday, July 29, 2008

SF Marathon Carpool

Hey everyone!
By popular demand, here is my attempt at organizing a carpool for the SF Marathon. Below is a list of who I think is going and which race they're running. Based off that, send me an email, or EVEN BETTER reply to this post on the blog and let me know if you want to leave early (for those of us doing the full or the 1st half) or leave latter (doing the 2nd half). Of course anyone doing the 2nd half is more than welcome to wake up early and join the rest of us on our early departure from Sports Basement.

Also, maybe we can also use the blog to see who would be willing to pick-up bibs for those of us that don't really want to go to the Expo.

Linh is suggesting that the early group meet at 4am on Sunday morning.
That's fine with me, so let's start with that suggestion and work from there.

Here's the info I've been given:

Ben - Full
Jean - 2nd Half
Linh - 1st half
Mark - Full
Mike - Full
Jay - 1st Half
Vu - 1st Half (?)
Hermann - 1st Half (?)



Anonymous said...

I believe that Herman is running the 1st half. Also, I'm heading into SF to pick up my bib and drive the second half course on Saturday so I'd be willing to pick everyone's stuff up for them. We'd just have to figure out a way for me to hand the stuff off if I don't wake up early to meet you guys to carpool. I won't know for sure if I'm going to wake up early or not until probably Friday evening.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if this posted already or not but I believe that Herman is going to run the first half.

Also, I would be willing to pick up everyone's stuff since I'm going to go regardless on Saturday. We would just have to figure out a way for me to pass it all off if I don't wake up early to drive with ya'll.


Anonymous said...

I am leaving at 3:30 AM on Sunday morning. I will be traveling with a group of friends, if anybody is interested in carpooling. We are meeting/leaving from the Lucky's store between Capital and Tully (meetup around 3:20). I was going to caravan with the Basement Runners, but 4 AM is a little late for me, I like lots of time to calm myself before the race.


Javy said...

From Herman:

I'm running the first half and I'll join a carpool.

-- hv